I came to Byron Bay telling myself, “No coffee and BB! Take a break! Try all the other things Byron Bay has to offer.” And I really intended to, but what is a trip to Byron without a Sunday afternoon at the Sunday Sustainable Bakery? How could I pass up their organic, local Moonshine coffee? And as if I’m going to see those big hunks of real, homemade BB and simply “try something else”! Oh my god, that coffee. It had a sweet and almost chocolatey vibe going on. Absolutely delicious. Just because a certain roastery is local and organic doesn’t mean it’s necessarily good, but Moonshine knocked it out of the park, so they’re clearly onto a winning formula. I was a little apprehensive about how healthy Sunday Sustainable Bakery’s sugar-free, spelt BB sounded, but my fears were quickly put to rest with my first bite – it was simply phenomenal. To achieve its perfect sweetness and beautiful brown caramelly texture too without using brown sugar is a feat and they’ve nailed it. There were such big chunks of banana running through each piece that it was like they’d just thrown a few whole bananas into the loaf batter for good measure. It was packed with walnuts, seeds, dates, poppy seeds, chia and all kinds of goodies too. The Sunday Sustainable Bakery perfectly topped off my afternoon. After exploring the best Byron Bay has to offer, I never would’ve guessed that one of those things would be coffee and BB!

Coffee: 1
BB: 1

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