Driving past Two Fives, the first thing I noticed was their cable-reel tables out front. About 10 years ago, when the industrial chic thing was really trending, I had a brief hands-on hobby rescuing these from demo sites and cleaning them up for exactly this purpose. It wasn’t particularly profitable, but at least I contributed to making a few cafes look cool. It’s less cool these days, but as I’ve said before, I don’t like this “clean” style cafes are opting for. Bring back the cable reels, I say. My coffee was surprisingly good – smooth, with a strong, delicious flavour. My banana bread, however, was surprisingly bad – cakey with a dry vanilleriness that tasted nothing like real banana. Overall, I still liked Two Fives more than I disliked it. The service was friendly, the style was good, the music was funky and even though it was just in the middle of a line of shops along a busy road, it managed to elevate that whole line of shops into somewhere you’d potentially consider stopping for coffee.

Coffee: 1
BB: -1

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