Pizza Piatsa, Erskineville

Pizza Piatsa is the oddly conjoined twin of the Sip Inn on Erskineville Rd. It’s essentially a takeaway pizza place with a coffee machine right next to Sip Inn’s front door, so I wasn’t exactly expecting a top-notch cafe experience. Accordingly, the coffee was a little bit worse than “meh”, so the banana bread really caught me off guard. What […]

Shenkin, Erskineville ⭐

I have a bit of a soft spot for Shenkin Erskineville because I’ve just been coming here since the very beginning, and any restaurant that can maintain such consistency over so many years is worth its weight in gold. I first remember going to Shenkin on a regular basis back when I was in uni. It had only recently opened […]

South End, Erskineville

Right down the south end of King St, there’s a cafe called South End, proudly displaying a large artwork on the wall about the suburb of Newtown with a prominent 2042 postcode… except South End isn’t actually in Newtown. After the Union Hotel, South End’s side of King St actually falls into Erskineville, while the shops on the other side […]

Khamsa, Erskineville

Khamsa is a bright, open air, vegan middle eastern cafe that opens up onto a little laneway courtyard just off King St. On a sunny summer’s day, it’s positively beachy. There was a beautiful array of vegan baked goods and middle eastern pastries on offer and I was keen to try, well, everything. The banana bread was a little loaf […]

Fleetwood Macchiato, Erskineville

Ha, love it! I immediately took a selfie with the sign out the front. FIeetwood Mac isn’t exactly on my way to the park, but if you go your own way, you might find the cafe of your dreams. I love little cafes set up in re-purposed heritage-style terraces – the little wooden doorway is up a stone step that […]

The Sip Inn, Erskineville

This place is very recognisable – you would’ve driven past it a thousand times and seen its huge, outdoor courtyard right in the middle of the Erko shopping stretch. A beautiful, shady spot to sit and soak in the ambience, for sure, but as I drew closer to the cafe, I noticed that the only people doing so were “elderly”. […]